University of California leverage Toshiba Medical’s MRI system
The University of California's San Diego School of Medicine in the US is to use Toshiba Medical's Vantage Galan 3T MR system as part of a collaboration with the company.
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The University of California's San Diego School of Medicine in the US is to use Toshiba Medical's Vantage Galan 3T MR system as part of a collaboration with the company.
Researchers at The University of Nottingham have developed a break-through technique that uses sound rather than light to see inside live cells, with potential application in stem-cell transplants and cancer diagnosis.
It has been a long and stealthy takeover, but robots now dominate many leading bioscience laboratories, doing in just hours what once took days or weeks. Now the convergence of automation with nanotechnologies, biomedics and advanced algorithms promises to take robotization of medical research much further.
Humans have a lot in common with the humble sea sponge, according to research that changes the way we think about animal evolution.
People have been saying it for years: If you want a secure job, go into health care. Why? With people living longer, medical needs will rise accordingly. According to United Nations projections, the number of people in the world aged 60 and older is expected to double by 2050, from 841 million in 2013 to more than 2 billion! Those 2 billion folks will need a lot of help from physicians, dentists, physical therapists, pharmacists and surgeons.
When it comes to living a long life, Italy is the place to be. The high-heeled boot surrounded by five seas is ranked the healthiest country on Earth in the Bloomberg Global Health Index of 163 countries. A baby born in Italy can expect to live to be an octogenarian. But 2,800 miles south in Sierra Leone, the average newborn will die by 52.
Technion researchers have reached a breakthrough that could potentially develop new types of antibiotics to battle bacterial diseases.
Aging populations and greater access to health care are spurring increases of 4 percent per year in ophthalmic surgeries worldwide through 2022, according to research firm Market Scope.
Israeli maker of GlucoTrack believes its noninvasive meter will encourage people with Type 2 diabetes to check glucose levels more often.