Oral and Nasal Airways
Mederen offers a complete line of disposable oral (Berman and Guedel) and nasal airways - are adjuncts that can be used to obtain/maintain an open airway.

Oral airways
Medical oral airways are used by doctors or medical staff to ensure the free passage of a patient's upper respiratory tract. The material from which the product is made is a rigid and durable plastic. The material is smooth and even, as this is a necessary criterion for the safe installation of a medical airway into a patient's oral cavity. Doctors use medical airways during resuscitation, general anesthesia of their patients, as well as in the process of oxygen and aerosol humidification therapy. The shape of the product allows it to be installed in such a way as to prevent the tongue from falling back - the medical airway holds it securely. Thus, the doctor prevents the possible development of asphyxia during surgery or general anesthesia.
Nasal airways
A nasopharyngeal airways (NPA) is a hollow plastic or soft rubber tubes that a healthcare provider can utilize to assist with patient oxygenation and ventilation in patients who are difficult to oxygenate or ventilate via bag mask ventilation, for example. NPAs are passed into the nose and through to the posterior pharynx. NPAs do not cause patients to gag and are, therefore, the best airway adjunct in an awake patient and a better choice in a semiconscious patient that may not tolerate an oropharyngeal airway due to the gag reflex. NPAs are also helpful when a patient's mouth is difficult to open or access, for example, in cases of trismus or angioedema. While NPAs are airway adjuncts for ventilation and oxygenation in patients who are difficult to ventilate and oxygenate, they only act as a bridge to either a secure airway via endotracheal or nasotracheal (NT) intubation or to assist the patient until the patient is stable and able to breathe independently.