Israel’s GlucoMe joins Merck in venture to battle diabetes in Vietnam
Startup’s wireless blood glucose monitoring kit to be tried out in five hospitals in Southeast Asian nation, where the disorder is running rampant
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Startup’s wireless blood glucose monitoring kit to be tried out in five hospitals in Southeast Asian nation, where the disorder is running rampant
Rambam is the leading medical center of reference for an empathetic geriatric program that has reduced both mortality and delirium by 75 percent in the hospitalized older population.
One Brain Chip (top) containing neurons and astrocytes is connected via microfluidic channels to two blood-brain barrier (BBB) chips containing endothelial cells and their supporting astrocytes and pericytes. The researchers were able to trace the flow of molecules from the vasculature across the BBB and into the brain, and found that substances produced by the endothelial cells help maintain neuronal function.
The company ran through a few different prototypes before inventing the successful implant
The human body cannot regenerate entire bones, but doctors in northern Israel are using innovative tissue-engineering technology to grow new bones, in a lab.
Israeli surgeons at Rambam Medical Center in Haifa recently used material co-developed by an Israeli scientist for the American space agency NASA in two successful orthopedic operations, the hospital revealed on Sunday.
In September 2016, two Israeli police officers were stabbed in a terror attack in Jerusalem, one of several dozen such attacks that year. One of the officers was seriously injured and bleeding profusely from a stab wound to the neck, which hit a major artery. A paramedic who rushed to the scene managed to save the officer’s life by applying a then newly available, Israeli-developed bandage that stopped the bleeding in under a minute.
Nasdaq-listed firm starts a clinical study of new ReStore soft suit, successor to its exoskeleton for paraplegics
With its variety of homogeneous populations and tech background, the Startup Nation can be a key player in the medicine of the future, says Prof. Shulamit Michaeli